API Reference v1
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the pgd v1beta1 API group
Resource Types
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CertificateKeystores configures additional keystore output formats to be created in the Certificate's output Secret.
Field | Description |
jks JKSKeystore | JKS configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the |
pkcs12 PKCS12Keystore | PKCS12 configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in the |
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CertificatePrivateKey contains configuration options for private keys used by the Certificate controller. This allows control of how private keys are rotated.
Field | Description |
rotationPolicy PrivateKeyRotationPolicy | RotationPolicy controls how private keys should be regenerated when a re-issuance is being processed. If set to Never, a private key will only be generated if one does not already exist in the target |
encoding PrivateKeyEncoding | The private key cryptography standards (PKCS) encoding for this certificate's private key to be encoded in. If provided, allowed values are |
algorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithm | Algorithm is the private key algorithm of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If provided, allowed values are either |
size int | Size is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If |
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CertificateSpec defines the desired state of Certificate. A valid Certificate requires at least one of a CommonName, DNSName, or URISAN to be valid.
Field | Description |
subject X509Subject | Full X509 name specification (https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/pkix/#Name). |
commonName string | CommonName is a common name to be used on the Certificate. The CommonName should have a length of 64 characters or fewer to avoid generating invalid CSRs. This value is ignored by TLS clients when any subject alt name is set. This is x509 behaviour: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6.4.4 |
duration Duration | The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. If unset this defaults to 90 days. Certificate will be renewed either 2/3 through its duration or |
renewBefore Duration | How long before the currently issued certificate's expiry cert-manager should renew the certificate. The default is 2/3 of the issued certificate's duration. Minimum accepted value is 5 minutes. Value must be in units accepted by Go time.ParseDuration https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration |
dnsNames []string | DNSNames is a list of DNS subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. |
ipAddresses []string | IPAddresses is a list of IP address subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. |
uris []string | URIs is a list of URI subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. |
emailAddresses []string | EmailAddresses is a list of email subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. |
secretName [Required]string | SecretName is the name of the secret resource that will be automatically created and managed by this Certificate resource. It will be populated with a private key and certificate, signed by the denoted issuer. IMPORTANT: this field was required in the original cert-manager API declaration |
keystores CertificateKeystores | Keystores configures additional keystore output formats stored in the |
issuerRef [Required]ObjectReference | IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this certificate. If the |
isCA bool | IsCA will mark this Certificate as valid for certificate signing. This will automatically add the |
usages []KeyUsage | Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to |
privateKey CertificatePrivateKey | Options to control private keys used for the Certificate. |
encodeUsagesInRequest bool | EncodeUsagesInRequest controls whether key usages should be present in the CertificateRequest |
revisionHistoryLimit int32 | revisionHistoryLimit is the maximum number of CertificateRequest revisions that are maintained in the Certificate's history. Each revision represents a single |
(Alias of string
ConditionStatus represents a condition's status.
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JKSKeystore configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the spec.secretName
Secret resource.
Field | Description |
create [Required]bool | Create enables JKS keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named |
passwordSecretRef [Required]SecretKeySelector | PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the JKS keystore. |
(Alias of string
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KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-
Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"
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LocalObjectReference is a reference to an object in the same namespace as the referent. If the referent is a cluster-scoped resource (e.g. a ClusterIssuer), the reference instead refers to the resource with the given name in the configured 'cluster resource namespace', which is set as a flag on the controller component (and defaults to the namespace that cert-manager runs in).
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names |
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ObjectReference is a reference to an object with a given name, kind and group.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name of the resource being referred to. |
group string | Group of the resource being referred to. |
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PKCS12Keystore configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in thespec.secretName
Secret resource.
Field | Description |
create [Required]bool | Create enables PKCS12 keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named |
passwordSecretRef [Required]SecretKeySelector | PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the PKCS12 keystore. |
(Alias of string
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PrivateKeyAlgorithm represent a private key algorithm
(Alias of string
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PrivateKeyEncoding represent a private key encoding
(Alias of string
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PrivateKeyRotationPolicy denotes how private keys should be generated or sourced when a Certificate is being issued.
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SecretKeySelector is a reference to a specific 'key' within a Secret resource. In some instances, key
is a required field.
Field | Description |
LocalObjectReference LocalObjectReference | (Members of LocalObjectReference are embedded into this type.)The name of the Secret resource being referred to. |
key string | The key of the entry in the Secret resource's |
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X509Subject Full X509 name specification
Field | Description |
organizations []string | Organizations to be used on the Certificate. |
countries []string | Countries to be used on the Certificate. |
organizationalUnits []string | Organizational Units to be used on the Certificate. |
localities []string | Cities to be used on the Certificate. |
provinces []string | State/Provinces to be used on the Certificate. |
streetAddresses []string | Street addresses to be used on the Certificate. |
postalCodes []string | Postal codes to be used on the Certificate. |
serialNumber string | Serial number to be used on the Certificate. |
PGDGroup is the Schema for the pgdgroups API
Field | Description |
apiVersion [Required]string | pgd.k8s.enterprisedb.io/v1beta1 |
kind [Required]string | PGDGroup |
spec [Required]PGDGroupSpec | No description provided. |
status [Required]PGDGroupStatus | No description provided. |
PGDGroupCleanup is the Schema for the pgdgroupcleanups API
Field | Description |
apiVersion [Required]string | pgd.k8s.enterprisedb.io/v1beta1 |
kind [Required]string | PGDGroupCleanup |
spec [Required]PGDGroupCleanupSpec | No description provided. |
status [Required]PGDGroupCleanupStatus | No description provided. |
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Backup configures the backup of cnp-pgd nodes
Field | Description |
configuration [Required]BackupConfiguration | The CNP configuration to be used for backup. ServerName value is reserved by the operator. |
cron ScheduledBackupSpec | The scheduled backup for the data. This field is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. |
schedulers [Required][]ScheduledBackupSpec | Define schedulers for the backup. Each scheduler has a different backup method. Only one of either |
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BackupStatus contains the current status of the pgd backup
Field | Description |
clusterName [Required]string | ClusterName the elected cluster to take the backup, the backup could be scheduled with different methods, but only one cluster will take the backup |
scheduledBackupName [Required]string | ScheduledBackupName is the name of the scheduled backup. This field is deprecated, will be migrated to ScheduledBackupStatus |
scheduledBackupHash [Required]string | ScheduledBackupHash is the hash of the scheduled backup configuration. This field is deprecated, will be migrated to ScheduledBackupStatus |
scheduledBackups [Required][]ScheduledBackupStatus | ScheduledBackupStatus contains the status of all scheduled backups |
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CNPStatus contains any relevant status for the operator about CNP
Field | Description |
dataInstances [Required]int32 | No description provided. |
witnessInstances [Required]int32 | No description provided. |
firstRecoverabilityPointsByMethod [Required]map[string]RecoverabilityPointsByMethod | The recoverability points by method, keyed per CNP clusterName nolint: lll |
firstRecoverabilityPoints [Required]map[string]string | The recoverability points, keyed per CNP clusterName, as a date in RFC3339 format |
superUserSecretIsPresent [Required]bool | No description provided. |
applicationUserSecretIsPresent [Required]bool | No description provided. |
podDisruptionBudgetIsPresent [Required]bool | No description provided. |
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CertManagerTemplate contains the data to generate a certificate request
Field | Description |
spec [Required]CertificateSpec | The Certificate object specification |
metadata [Required]Metadata | The label and annotations metadata |
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ClientCertConfiguration contains the information to generate the certificate for the streaming_replica user
Field | Description |
caCertSecret [Required]string | CACertSecret is the secret of the CA to be injected into the CloudNativePG configuration |
certManager [Required]CertManagerTemplate | The cert-manager template used to generate the certificates |
preProvisioned [Required]ClientPreProvisionedCertificates | PreProvisioned contains how to fetch the pre-generated client certificates |
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ClientPreProvisionedCertificates instruct how to fetch the pre-generated client certificates
Field | Description |
streamingReplica [Required]PreProvisionedCertificate | StreamingReplica the pre-generated certificate for 'streaming_replica' user |
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CnpBaseConfiguration contains the configuration parameters that can be applied to both CNP Witness and Data nodes
Field | Description |
startDelay [Required]int32 | The time in seconds that is allowed for a PostgreSQL instance to successfully start up (default 3600) |
stopDelay [Required]int32 | The time in seconds that is allowed for a PostgreSQL instance node to gracefully shutdown (default 180) |
smartShutdownTimeout int32 | The time in seconds that controls the window of time reserved for the smart shutdown of Postgres to complete. Make sure you reserve enough time for the operator to request a fast shutdown of Postgres (that is: |
storage [Required]StorageConfiguration | Configuration of the storage of the instances |
walStorage [Required]StorageConfiguration | Configuration of the WAL storage for the instances |
clusterMaxStartDelay [Required]int32 | The time in seconds that is allowed for a PostgreSQL instance to successfully start up (default 300) |
affinity AffinityConfiguration | Affinity/Anti-affinity rules for Pods |
resources ResourceRequirements | Resources requirements of every generated Pod. Please refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ for more information. |
postgresql PostgresConfiguration | Configuration of the PostgreSQL server |
monitoring [Required]MonitoringConfiguration | The configuration of the monitoring infrastructure of this cluster |
logLevel [Required]string | The instances' log level, one of the following values: error, warning, info (default), debug, trace |
serviceAccountTemplate [Required]ServiceAccountTemplate | The service account template to be passed to CNP |
otel [Required]OTELConfiguration | OpenTelemetry Configuration |
postInitSQL []string | List of SQL queries to be executed as a superuser immediately after a node has been created - to be used with extreme care (by default empty) |
postInitTemplateSQL []string | List of SQL queries to be executed as a superuser in the |
postInitApplicationSQL []string | List of SQL queries to be executed as a superuser in the application database right after the cluster has been created - to be used with extreme care as any data created in application database before logical join will cause the join to fail (by default empty) |
postInitApplicationSQLRefs PostInitApplicationSQLRefs | List of references to ConfigMaps or Secrets containing SQL files to be executed as a superuser in the application database right after the cluster has been created. The references are processed in a specific order: first, all Secrets are processed, followed by all ConfigMaps. Within each group, the processing order follows the sequence specified in their respective arrays. - to be used with extreme care (by default empty) |
seccompProfile [Required]SeccompProfile | The SeccompProfile applied to every Pod and Container. Defaults to: |
metadata [Required]InheritedMetadata | Metadata applied exclusively to the generated Cluster resources. Useful for applying AppArmor profiles. |
managed [Required]ManagedConfiguration | The configuration that is used by the portions of PostgreSQL that are managed by the CNP instance manager |
projectedVolumeTemplate ProjectedVolumeSource | Template to be used to define projected volumes, projected volumes will be mounted under |
tablespaces []TablespaceConfiguration | The tablespaces configuration |
topologySpreadConstraints []TopologySpreadConstraint | TopologySpreadConstraints specifies how to spread matching pods among the given topology. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/ |
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CnpConfiguration contains the configurations of the data nodes that will be injected into the resulting clusters composing the PGD group
Field | Description |
CnpBaseConfiguration CnpBaseConfiguration | (Members of CnpBaseConfiguration are embedded into this type.)No description provided. |
enableSuperuserAccess bool | When this option is enabled, the CNP operator will create or use the secret defined in the SuperuserSecret to allow superuser (postgres) access to the database. When this option is disabled on a running Group, the operator will ignore the content of the secret and set the password of the |
superuserSecret LocalObjectReference | The secret containing the superuser password. A new secret will be created with a randomly generated password if not defined. This field is only allowed in the CNP Instances configuration. A Witness Node will always use the same SuperuserSecret as the other instances. |
(Alias of map[string]string
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ConnectionString represent the parameters to connect to a PostgreSQL cluster
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ConnectivityConfiguration describes how to generate the services and certificates for the PGDGroup
Field | Description |
dns [Required]RootDNSConfiguration | Describes how the FQDN for the resources should be generated |
tls [Required]TLSConfiguration | The configuration of the TLS infrastructure |
nodeServiceTemplate [Required]ServiceTemplate | Instructs how to generate the service for each node |
groupServiceTemplate [Required]ServiceTemplate | Instructs how to generate the service for the PGDGroup |
proxyServiceTemplate [Required]ServiceTemplate | Instructs how to generate the service pointing to the PGD Proxy for write leader node routing |
proxyReadServiceTemplate [Required]ServiceTemplate | Instructs how to generate the service pointing to the PGD Proxy for read nodes routing |
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ConnectivityStatus contains any relevant status for the operator about Connectivity
Field | Description |
replicationTLSCertificate [Required]ReplicationCertificateStatus | ReplicationTLSCertificate is the name of the replication TLS certificate, if we have it |
nodeTLSCertificates [Required][]NodeCertificateStatus | NodeTLSCertificates are the names of the certificates that have been created for the PGD nodes |
unusedCertificates [Required][]string | UnusedCertificates are the names of the certificates that we don't use anymore for the PGD nodes |
nodesWithoutCertificates [Required][]string | NodesWithoutCertificates are the names of the nodes which have not a server certificate |
nodesNeedingServiceReconciliation [Required][]string | NodesNeedingServiceReconciliation are the names of the nodes which have not a server certificate |
configurationHash [Required]string | ConfigurationHash is the hash code of the connectivity configuration, used to check if we had a change in the configuration or not |
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DNSConfiguration describes how the FQDN for the resources should be generated
Field | Description |
domain [Required]string | Contains the domain name of by all services in the PGDGroup. It is responsibility of the user to ensure that the value specified here matches with the rendered nodeServiceTemplate and groupServiceTemplate |
hostSuffix [Required]string | Contains an optional suffix to add to all the service names in the PGDGroup. The meaning of this setting it to allow the user to easily mark all the services created in a location for routing purpose (i.e., add a generic rule to CoreDNS to rewrite some service suffixes as local) |
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DiscoveryJobConfig contains a series of fields that configure the discovery job
Field | Description |
delay [Required]int | Delay amount of time to sleep between retries, measured in seconds |
retries [Required]int | Retries how many times the operation should be retried |
timeout [Required]int | Timeout amount of time given to the operation to succeed, measured in seconds |
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InheritedMetadata contains metadata to be inherited by all resources related to a Cluster
Field | Description |
labels [Required]map[string]string | No description provided. |
annotations [Required]map[string]string | No description provided. |
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Metadata is a structure similar to the metav1.ObjectMeta, but still parseable by controller-gen to create a suitable CRD for the user.
Field | Description |
labels map[string]string | Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers and services. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labels |
annotations map[string]string | Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/annotations |
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NodeCertificateStatus encapsulate the status of the server certificate of a CNP node
Field | Description |
ReplicationCertificateStatus ReplicationCertificateStatus | (Members of ReplicationCertificateStatus are embedded into this type.)No description provided. |
nodeName [Required]string | NodeName is the name of the CNP cluster using this certificate |
(Alias of string
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NodeKindName is a type containing the potential values of node_kind_name from bdr.node_summary
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NodeSummary shows relevant info from bdr.node_summary
Field | Description |
node_name [Required]string | Name of the node |
node_group_name [Required]string | NodeGroupName is the name of the joined group |
peer_state_name [Required]string | Consistent state of the node in human-readable form |
peer_target_state_name [Required]string | State which the node is trying to reach (during join or promotion) |
node_kind_name [Required]NodeKindName | The kind of node: witness or data |
(Alias of []github.com/EnterpriseDB/pg4k-pgd/api/v1beta1.NodeExtensionStatus
NodesExtensionsStatus contains a list of NodeExtensionStatus entries
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OTELConfiguration is the configuration for external openTelemetry
Field | Description |
metricsURL [Required]string | The OpenTelemetry HTTP endpoint URL to accept metrics data |
traceURL [Required]string | The OpenTelemetry HTTP endpoint URL to accept trace data |
traceEnable [Required]bool | Whether to push trace data to OpenTelemetry traceUrl |
tls [Required]OTELTLSConfiguration | TLSConfiguration provides the TLS certificate configuration when MetricsURL and TraceURL are using HTTPS |
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OTELTLSConfiguration contains the certificate configuration for TLS connections to openTelemetry
Field | Description |
caBundleSecretRef [Required]SecretKeySelector | CABundleSecretRef is a reference to a secret field containing the CA bundle to verify the openTelemetry server certificate |
clientCertSecret [Required]LocalObjectReference | ClientCertSecret is the name of the secret containing the client certificate used to connect to openTelemetry. It must contain both the standard "tls.crt" and "tls.key" files, encoded in PEM format. |
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PGDGroupCleanupSpec defines the desired state of PGDGroupCleanup
Field | Description |
executor [Required]string | No description provided. |
target [Required]string | No description provided. |
force [Required]bool | Force will force the removal of the PGDGroup even if the target PGDGroup nodes are not parted |
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PGDGroupCleanupStatus defines the observed state of PGDGroupCleanup
Field | Description |
phase [Required]github.com/EnterpriseDB/pg4k-pgd/pkg/resources.OperatorPhaseCleanup | No description provided. |
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PGDGroupSpec defines the desired state of PGDGroup
Field | Description |
imageName [Required]string | Name of the container image, supporting both tags ( |
imagePullPolicy PullPolicy | Image pull policy. One of |
imagePullSecrets [Required][]LocalObjectReference | The list of pull secrets to be used to pull operator and or the operand images |
inheritedMetadata [Required]InheritedMetadata | Metadata that will be inherited by all objects related to the pgdGroup |
instances [Required]int32 | Number of instances required in the cluster |
proxyInstances [Required]int32 | Number of proxy instances required in the cluster |
witnessInstances [Required]int32 | Number of witness instances required in the cluster |
backup [Required]Backup | The configuration to be used for backups in the CNP instances. |
restore [Required]Restore | The configuration to restore this PGD group from an Object Store service |
cnp [Required]CnpConfiguration | Instances configuration that will be injected into the CNP clusters that compose the PGD Group |
witness [Required]CnpBaseConfiguration | WitnessInstances configuration that will be injected into the WitnessInstances CNP clusters If not defined, it will default to the Instances configuration |
pgd [Required]PgdConfiguration | Pgd contains instructions to bootstrap this cluster |
pgdProxy [Required]PGDProxyConfiguration | PGDProxy contains instructions to configure PGD Proxy |
connectivity [Required]ConnectivityConfiguration | Configures the connectivity of the PGDGroup, like services and certificates that will be used. |
failingFinalizerTimeLimitSeconds [Required]int32 | The amount of seconds that the operator will wait in case of a failing finalizer. A finalizer is considered failing when the operator cannot reach any nodes of the PGDGroup |
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PGDGroupStatus defines the observed state of PGDGroup
Field | Description |
latestGeneratedNode [Required]int32 | ID of the latest generated node (used to avoid node name clashing) |
phase [Required]github.com/EnterpriseDB/pg4k-pgd/pkg/resources.OperatorPhase | The initialization phase of this cluster |
phaseDetails [Required]string | The details of the current phase |
phaseTroubleshootHints [Required]string | PhaseTroubleshootHints general troubleshooting indications for the given phase |
phaseType [Required]github.com/EnterpriseDB/pg4k-pgd/pkg/resources.PhaseType | PhaseType describes the phase category. |
conditions [Required][]Condition | Conditions for PGDGroup object |
nodes [Required][]NodeSummary | The list of summaries for the nodes in the group |
backup [Required]BackupStatus | The node that is taking backups of this PGDGroup |
restore [Required]RestoreStatus | The status of the restore process |
PGD [Required]PGDStatus | Last known status of PGD |
CNP [Required]CNPStatus | Last known status of CNP |
PGDProxy [Required]PGDProxyStatus | Last known status of PGDProxy |
connectivity [Required]ConnectivityStatus | Last known status of Connectivity |
pause [Required]PauseStatus | Last known status of Pause |
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PGDNodeGroupEntry shows information about the node groups available in the PGD configuration
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the node group |
enableProxyRouting [Required]bool | EnableProxyRouting is true is the node group allows running PGD Proxies |
enableRaft [Required]bool | EnableRaft is true if the node group has a subgroup raft instance |
routeWriterMaxLag [Required]int64 | RouteWriterMaxLag Maximum lag in bytes of the new write candidate to be selected as write leader, if no candidate passes this, there will be no writer selected automatically |
routeReaderMaxLag [Required]int64 | RouteReaderMaxLag Maximum lag in bytes for node to be considered viable read-only node |
routeWriterWaitFlush [Required]bool | RouteWriterWaitFlush Whether to wait for replication queue flush before switching to new leader when using |
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PGDNodeGroupSettings contains the settings of the PGD Group
Field | Description |
routeWriterMaxLag [Required]int64 | RouteWriterMaxLag Maximum lag in bytes of the new write candidate to be selected as write leader, if no candidate passes this, there will be no writer selected automatically Defaults to -1 |
routeReaderMaxLag [Required]int64 | RouteReaderMaxLag Maximum lag in bytes for node to be considered viable read-only node Defaults to -1 |
routeWriterWaitFlush [Required]bool | RouteWriterWaitFlush Whether to wait for replication queue flush before switching to new leader when using |
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PGDProxyConfiguration defines the configuration of PGD Proxy
Field | Description |
imageName [Required]string | Name of the PGDProxy container image |
logLevel [Required]string | The PGD Proxy log level, one of the following values: error, warning, info (default), debug, trace |
logEncoder [Required]string | The format of the log output |
proxyAffinity [Required]Affinity | ProxyAffinity/Anti-affinity rules for pods |
proxyNodeSelector [Required]map[string]string | ProxyNodeSelector rules for pods |
proxyTolerations [Required][]Toleration | ProxyTolerations rules for pods |
proxyResources ResourceRequirements | Defines the resources assigned to the proxy. If not defined uses defaults requests and limits values. |
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PGDProxyEntry shows information about the proxies available in the PGD configuration
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the proxy |
fallbackGroupNames [Required][]string | FallbackGroupNames are the names of the fallback groups configured for this proxy |
parentGroupName [Required]string | ParentGroupName is the parent PGD group of this proxy |
maxClientConn [Required]int | MaxClientConn maximum number of connections the proxy will accept |
maxServerConn [Required]int | MaxServerConn maximum number of connections the proxy will make to the Postgres node |
serverConnTimeout [Required]int64 | ServerConnTimeout connection timeout for server connections in seconds |
serverConnKeepalive [Required]int64 | ServerConnKeepalive keepalive interval for server connections in seconds |
fallbackGroupTimeout [Required]int64 | FallbackGroupTimeout the interval after which the routing falls back to one of the fallback_groups |
consensusGracePeriod [Required]int64 | ConsensusGracePeriod the duration in seconds for which proxy continues to route even upon loss of a Raft leader. |
readListenPort [Required]int | ReadListenPort is the port where the proxy will listen and route queries to read nodes |
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PGDProxySettings contains the settings of the proxy
Field | Description |
fallbackGroups [Required][]string | FallbackGroups is the list of groups the proxy should forward connection to when all the data nodes of this PGD group are not available |
maxClientConn [Required]int | MaxClientConn maximum number of connections the proxy will accept. Defaults to 32767 |
maxServerConn [Required]int | MaxServerConn maximum number of connections the proxy will make to the Postgres node. Defaults to 32767 |
serverConnTimeout [Required]int64 | ServerConnTimeout connection timeout for server connections in seconds. Defaults to 2 |
serverConnKeepalive [Required]int64 | ServerConnKeepalive keepalive interval for server connections in seconds. Defaults to 10 |
fallbackGroupTimeout [Required]int64 | FallbackGroupTimeout the interval after which the routing falls back to one of the fallback_groups. Defaults to 60 |
consensusGracePeriod [Required]int64 | ConsensusGracePeriod the duration in seconds for which proxy continues to route even upon loss of a Raft leader. If set to 0s, proxy stops routing immediately. Defaults to 6 |
enableReadNodeRouting [Required]bool | EnableReadNodeRouting is the switch to control whether the proxy will route queries to read nodes through read_listen_port or not. By default it is false |
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PGDProxyStatus any relevant status for the operator about PGDProxy
Field | Description |
proxyInstances [Required]int32 | No description provided. |
writeLead [Required]string | WriteLead is a reserved field for the operator, is not intended for external usage. Will be removed in future versions |
proxyHash [Required]string | ProxyHash contains the hash we use to detect if we need to reconcile the proxies |
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PGDStatus any relevant status for the operator about PGD
Field | Description |
raftConsensusLastChangedStatus [Required]github.com/EnterpriseDB/pg4k-pgd/pkg/resources.PGDRaftStatus | RaftConsensusLastChangedStatus indicates the latest reported status from bdr.monitor_group_raft |
raftConsensusLastChangedMessage [Required]string | RaftConsensusLastChangedMessage indicates the latest reported message from bdr.monitor_group_raft |
raftConsensusLastChangedTimestamp [Required]string | RaftConsensusLastChangedTimestamp indicates when the status and message were first reported |
registeredProxies [Required][]PGDProxyEntry | RegisteredProxies is the status of the registered proxies |
nodeGroup [Required]PGDNodeGroupEntry | NodeGroup is the status of the node group associated with the PGDGroup |
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ParentGroupConfiguration contains the topology configuration of PGD
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name of the parent group |
create [Required]bool | Create is true when the operator should create the parent group if it doesn't exist |
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PauseStatus contains the information of group hibernating
Field | Description |
active [Required]bool | Active indicates the PGDGroup is either:
instances [Required]int32 | Instances is the number of paused PGD instances |
lastStartedTime [Required]Time | LastStartedTime is the last time the PGDGroup started pausing |
lastCompletedTime [Required]Time | LastCompletedTime is last time the PGDGroup completed pausing |
lastResumeStartedTime [Required]Time | LastResumeStartedTime is the last time the PGDGroup started resuming |
lastResumeCompletedTime [Required]Time | LastCompletedTime is last time the PGDGroup completed resuming |
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PgdConfiguration is the configuration of the PGD group structure
Field | Description |
parentGroup [Required]ParentGroupConfiguration | ParentGroup configures the topology of the PGD group |
discovery [Required][]ConnectionString | The parameters we will use to connect to a node belonging to the parent PGD group. Even if provided, the following parameters will be overridden with default values: |
discoveryJob [Required]DiscoveryJobConfig | DiscoveryJob the configuration of the PGD Discovery job |
databaseName [Required]string | Name of the database used by the application. Default: |
ownerName [Required]string | Name of the owner of the database in the instance to be used by applications. Defaults to the value of the |
ownerCredentialsSecret [Required]LocalObjectReference | Name of the secret containing the initial credentials for the owner of the user database. If empty a new secret will be created from scratch |
proxySettings [Required]PGDProxySettings | Configuration for the proxy |
nodeGroupSettings [Required]PGDNodeGroupSettings | Configuration for the PGD Group |
globalRouting [Required]bool | GlobalRouting is true when global routing is enabled, and in this case the proxies will be created in the parent group |
mutations [Required]SQLMutations | List of SQL mutations to apply to the node group |
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PreProvisionedCertificate contains the data needed to supply a pre-generated certificate
Field | Description |
secretRef [Required]string | SecretRef a name pointing to a secret that contains a tls.crt and tls.key |
(Alias of map[github.com/EnterpriseDB/cloud-native-postgres/api/v1.BackupMethod]k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.Time
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RecoverabilityPointsByMethod contains the first recoverability points for a given backup method
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ReplicationCertificateStatus encapsulate the certificate status
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the certificate |
hash [Required]string | Hash is the hash of the configuration for which it has been generated |
isReady [Required]bool | Ready is true when the certificate is ready |
preProvisioned [Required]bool | PreProvisioned is true if the certificate is preProvisioned |
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Restore configures the restore of a PGD group from an object store
Field | Description |
volumeSnapshots VolumeSnapshotsConfiguration | The configuration for volumeSnapshot restore |
barmanObjectStore [Required]BarmanObjectStoreConfiguration | The configuration for the barman-cloud tool suite |
recoveryTarget [Required]RecoveryTarget | By default, the recovery process applies all the available WAL files in the archive (full recovery). However, you can also end the recovery as soon as a consistent state is reached or recover to a point-in-time (PITR) by specifying a |
serverNames [Required][]string | The list of server names to be used as a recovery origin. One of these servers will be elected as the seeding one when evaluating the recovery target, this option is only used when restore from barmanObjectStore. |
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RestoreStatus contains the current status of the restore process
Field | Description |
serverName [Required]string | The name of the server to be restored |
VolumeSnapshots [Required][]VolumeSnapshotRestoreStatus | selected volumeSnapshots to restore |
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RootDNSConfiguration describes how the FQDN for the resources should be generated
Field | Description |
DNSConfiguration DNSConfiguration | (Members of DNSConfiguration are embedded into this type.)No description provided. |
additional [Required][]DNSConfiguration | AdditionalDNSConfigurations adds more possible FQDNs for the resources |
SQLMutation is a series of SQL statements to apply atomically
Field | Description |
isApplied [Required][]string | List of boolean-returning SQL queries. If any of them returns false the mutation will be applied |
exec [Required][]string | List of SQL queries to be executed to apply this mutation |
type SQLMutationType | Type determines when the SQLMutation occurs. 'always': reconcile the mutation at each reconciliation cycle 'beforeSubgroupRaft': are executed only before the subgroupRaft is enabled If not specified, the Type defaults to 'always'. |
(Alias of string
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SQLMutationType a supported type of SQL Mutation
(Alias of []github.com/EnterpriseDB/pg4k-pgd/api/v1beta1.SQLMutation
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SQLMutations A list of SQLMutation
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ScheduledBackupSpec defines the desired state of ScheduledBackup
Field | Description |
suspend [Required]bool | If this backup is suspended or not |
immediate [Required]bool | If the first backup has to be immediately start after creation or not |
schedule [Required]string | The schedule does not follow the same format used in Kubernetes CronJobs as it includes an additional second specifier, see https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/robfig/cron#hdr-CRON_Expression_Format |
backupOwnerReference [Required]string | Indicates which ownerReference should be put inside the created backup resources.
target [Required]BackupTarget | The policy to decide which instance should perform this backup. If empty, it defaults to |
method BackupMethod | The backup method to be used, possible options are |
online bool | Whether the default type of backup with volume snapshots is online/hot ( |
onlineConfiguration OnlineConfiguration | Configuration parameters to control the online/hot backup with volume snapshots Overrides the default settings specified in the cluster '.backup.volumeSnapshot.onlineConfiguration' stanza |
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ScheduledBackupStatus contains the status of the scheduled backup
Field | Description |
method [Required]BackupMethod | Method is the backup method used to take the backup |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the scheduled backup |
hash [Required]string | Hash is the hash of the scheduled backup configuration |
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ServerCertConfiguration contains the information to generate the certificates for the nodes
Field | Description |
caCertSecret [Required]string | CACertSecret is the secret of the CA to be injected into the CloudNativePG configuration |
certManager [Required]CertManagerTemplate | The cert-manager template used to generate the certificates |
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ServiceTemplate is a structure that allows the user to set a template for the Service generation.
Field | Description |
metadata Metadata | Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata |
spec ServiceSpec | Specification of the desired behavior of the service. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status |
updateStrategy ServiceUpdateStrategy | UpdateStrategy indicates how to update the services generated by this template. |
(Alias of string
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ServiceUpdateStrategy defines the type for updating LoadBalancers. Allowed values are "patch" and "replace".
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TLSConfiguration is the configuration of the TLS infrastructure used by PGD to connect to the nodes
Field | Description |
mode [Required]TLSMode | No description provided. |
serverCert [Required]ServerCertConfiguration | The configuration for the server certificates |
clientCert [Required]ClientCertConfiguration | The configuration for the client certificates |
(Alias of string
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TLSMode describes which mode should be used for the node to node communications
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VolumeSnapshotRestoreStatus the volumeSnapshot to restore
Field | Description |
snapshotName [Required]string | SnapshotName is the snapshot name to restore |
pvcRole [Required]string | PVCRole is the pvcRole snapshot to restore |
tablespaceName [Required]string | TablespaceName is the tablespace name the snapshot belongs to, if the pvcRole is |
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VolumeSnapshotsConfiguration contains the configuration for the volumeSnapshots restore
Field | Description |
selector [Required]LabelSelector | Label selector used to select the volumeSnapshot to restore |
- On this page
- Resource Types